Sunday, November 22, 2009

The first 50

I'm not the girl who revolves her world around her misery.1
I'm not the girl who says "I don't care", and means it.2
I'm not the girl who can make education her life.3
I'm not the girl who is scared to ever love.4
I'm not the girl who "lives for the moment".5
I'm not the girl who can do something JUST for herself.6
I'm not the girl with patience.7
I'm not the girl with lady like manners.8
I'm not the girl with the perfect body.9
I'm not the girl who can just, start conversations.10
I'm not the girl who can let go easily.11
I'm the girl who has to cry for every sad, happy, or angry moment.12
I'm not the girl who lives for the weekends.13
I'm the girl who likes solitude.14
I'm not the girl you can brainwash.15
I'm not the girl with the trust issues.16
I'm not the girl I want to be.17
I'm not the girl with the best memories.
I'm the girl with the best friends.
I'm the girl who can't be told more than once.20
I'm not the girl who learns fast.21
I'm the girl with the classical music.22
I'm the girl who stays up at night, for someone.23
I'm the girl secretly in love with instruments.24
I'm the girl they come to hate.
I'm the girl who gets used.26
I'm the girl who uses people.27
I'm the girl who critizices.28
I'm the girl who won't physically fight.29
I'm the girl who needs the most attention.30
I'm the girl scared to stand out.
I'm the girl who doesn't go a second without thinking of something negative.
I'm the girl who can't change, JUST because someone said so.
I'm the girl with the lowest self-esteem.
I'm the girl who wants to be noticed.35
I'm the girl who loves talking about herself, for hours.36
I'm the girl who can't stand where she lives.
I'm the girl, with the most impossible dreams.38
I'm not the girl who thinks "ANYTHING is possible."
I'm the girl who lies.
I'm the girl who doesn't care if she offends you.41
I'm the girl who can't give advice.
I'm the girl who can listen for hours, without knowing what to say.43
I'm the girl who reminisces.44
I'm the girl with the hatred towards alcohol.
I'm the girl you ask, "what is she doing here?"46
I'm the girl who fucked up.47
I'm the girl who has changed at the snap of a finger.
I'm the girl with the bad luck.49
I'm the girl who puts faith in a horoscope.50

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